
Hi everyone!

I wanted to share some information about what we've been up to these first weeks.  The students may have shared that we have been doing a lot of testing.  They are such troopers!  We do spread the testing out and I give rewards for the students just trying their best so pressure is not too high.  The data we receive from the math and reading computerized MAPS test as well as the AIMSweb R-CBM reading probe (for fluency) and AIMSweb math computation and applications tests is really valuable to us.  We like to do this at the beginning of the year to gauge progress from spring to fall and determine any needs for math or reading intervention.

Just like at Elizabeth Ide, we have RTI Tiers 2 and 3 for both reading and math.  Tier 3 is the highest level of intervention (60 min. a day).  Tier 2 is 30 min. a day of extra support.  In the coming weeks we will meet as a team to review the data and develop our recommendations for the extra support groups.  Letters will be sent home with those recommendations if suggested.  We are hoping to start Tier 3 reading groups as early as Monday so you may be receiving a letter very soon regarding that particular group.  Students will either see the reading specialist for their intervention or myself.  The intervention being used with this group will be the Voyager Passport System which works on word work, fluency, and comprehension.  

If you have any questions, as always feel free to e-mail me~!
Have a great weekend!
Tania Forsman