Happy Back to School PV Families!
I couldn't be more excited to be writing my first blog post for the 2015-2016 school year. I met so many of you at Open House last week and look forward to meeting you all at Curriculum Night next Thursday at 6:30 pm. I am Tania Forsman and this is my 9th year of teaching 3rd grade as the Learning Specialist. I wear many hats: I am teaching with Mrs. Mandru (Ikens till November 5th) for all subjects except for math (which I co-teach with Mrs. Olsen/Mrs. Lopez). That means for all intents and purposes your student has two teachers. We plan together, we teach together, and we assess together. The benefit to your student is that I am certified in teaching and learning for all groups of students from those needing specialized education for difficulties with learning, through those who are identified as gifted and need enrichment. Though I co-teach so many young minds each year, the students end up teaching ME so much as well.
You have been sent the link to my blog, but the classroom teachers will be the ones posting test information, classroom information, and other 3rd grade news on their blogs. Please remember to read the blogs of both your child's homeroom teacher and math teacher (when we get them). My blog will typically show specialized information and be sent to those for whom the information is most useful. You can certainly check it out for fun videos, tips, inspiration, etc. at any time.
You have been sent the link to my blog, but the classroom teachers will be the ones posting test information, classroom information, and other 3rd grade news on their blogs. Please remember to read the blogs of both your child's homeroom teacher and math teacher (when we get them). My blog will typically show specialized information and be sent to those for whom the information is most useful. You can certainly check it out for fun videos, tips, inspiration, etc. at any time.
I will have my business card available at Curriculum Night or I can always send one home with a student. E-mail is the best way to reach me as our classroom phones do not ring during the school day. I can return e-mails at several points during the day but only get to my voice mails at the end of the day (after any after-school meetings). I love talking with families and being of assistance in any way that I can.
Your support at home is what ensures the success of your student throughout the school year. The perfect learning team is a trifecta: teachers, students, and their families. Thanks for being an invaluable part of that team!