We have made it to another Friday! This was a big week for our students as they began the Fall Assessment process. We took both the math and reading MAP tests this week. Next week we will do makeups and allow students who didn't finish the time to do so. We will also be assessing the fluency of some of our readers who may need assistance in this area next week. Finally, over the next two weeks, students will be assessed to find their current Fountas and Pinnell (F and P) level. Ide uses this leveling system and this is the first year 3rd grade will use it as well. We will use this level to create guided reading groups as well as groups for WIN (What I Need) time. This is an exciting time of year when we learn so much about our students and how best to help them grow while they are with us. If you have any questions about assessment (or anything), please contact me at my e-mail address: tforsman@ccsd66.org.
We have made it to another Friday! This was a big week for our students as they began the Fall Assessment process. We took both the math and reading MAP tests this week. Next week we will do makeups and allow students who didn't finish the time to do so. We will also be assessing the fluency of some of our readers who may need assistance in this area next week. Finally, over the next two weeks, students will be assessed to find their current Fountas and Pinnell (F and P) level. Ide uses this leveling system and this is the first year 3rd grade will use it as well. We will use this level to create guided reading groups as well as groups for WIN (What I Need) time. This is an exciting time of year when we learn so much about our students and how best to help them grow while they are with us. If you have any questions about assessment (or anything), please contact me at my e-mail address: tforsman@ccsd66.org.