Hi everyone! I am writing a little note this week about the spelling program and what that will look like for our students. I work with students in both Miss Stetka's class and Miss Pellin's class. The programs will have some similarities and differences.
In both classrooms, the students will not be taking the pre-test on Mondays. Instead they will spend time working with the words, beginning homework while they have assistance in school etc. Over the many years we have noticed that the pre-tests tend to add a level of unnecessary anxiety to some of our students. I'd rather they spend the time writing, and doing word work. They will all have homework throughout the week (see below) and a test on Friday. If it is a shortened week, the dates might be different or a teacher may choose not to do a spelling list at all if there are only a couple days of school that week like the week of Thanksgiving Break. There are a couple special weeks in the year that we work on analogies and/or synonyms and antonyms instead of a spelling list but watch the teachers' blogs for that information. This is usually not until winter sometime.
Stetka's class
With the exception of not taking the pre-test and taking the post-test in a small group, the rest of their spelling program follows the class plan as far as homework, number of words, etc.
Pellin's class
The students will study the circled words on their spelling list sheet and those are the only words that will be found on their test. If their test scores suggest they are able to handle more words, we will increase the word count. As far as homework, some students (this will be communicated through the assignment notebook next week so please be looking for this) will do the homework assignments with the full list of words even though they do not get tested on them. Some students will only do the homework with the circled words they are studying. I will indicate this on Monday's assignment notebook page and that will be how it is for the year unless together we decide an amendment is needed. This group will also take the spelling tests in a small group.
I hope that clears up any confusion. The spelling program is wonderful because it really can be tailored to the students' needs. As always our goal is to increase independence and be as least restrictive as as can be for the student's needs.