Progress Reports
Hi families! I wanted to send a blog post this week regarding Progress Reports. Some of you may have seen my posts on these reports before, but in case not, I thought I'd send some thoughts again. These reports come out with each report card and are very general. They name each goal from your student's IEP academic or otherwise. Then they say whether or not your student is making progress on that goal at this current point in time. Many of these goals are quite data driven so it may show that in Quarter #1 they were making progress, but currently they are not, etc. The next part of the report asks us to gauge whether or not progress is sufficient enough for the goal to be met by the end of the school year. As you can imagine, no teacher has a crystal ball and this is difficult to forecast. Please do not worry to much about the responses here. As always, please know that you can come to me with any specific questions/concerns or for details and exact data on how they are doing on any one of their goals. At the annual review IEP meetings and 3 year re-evaluation IEP meetings that are coming up, we will review all the progress and goals as well as update those goals for the changing needs of your students. Have a wonderful long weekend with your families!