What's in the Forsman Future?
SpellingWe will be working on our phonics skills throughout the remainder of the school year. I will be sending home today a list of the phonics skills we have been working on so that the students can continue their practice over summer vacation. The more the students have these ingrained in their brains, the better/faster reader and speller they will be!
We will have our last poem to practice go home Monday and last Poetry cafe grade next Friday. We will also be working on finishing up our study of ancient Egypt and move on to one last novel study before the year is up!
We are spending a lot of time now in math preparing the students for 4th grade math. We are doing a lot of mixed review and preparation of 4th grade concepts. The students have been having fun doing this in stations of different games to enhance their study of various math skills.
This week's prompt: This summer I am excited to... Try to elaborate and add exciting details to your response. Make it into a paragraph and think of 6 sentences to support your topic sentence. You could even make this into a creative story!
Tune in next Friday for more Forsman Fun!