What's in the Forsman Future?
SpellingWe will pretest List#24 on Monday. There will be a homework packet due Friday as always, and we will have our final test on Friday as well. :)
We will continue with Poetry Cafe. I will pass out a new poem on Monday for the students to practice and perform for a grade on Friday. Also, the reading calendar as well as the poetry genre book reports are due on the 30th (this coming Monday). These do go in my gradebook so please help your students turn them in on time. We are just about finished with our poetry booklets that we are putting together, but have one more poem to write next week. After that, we will be working on some reader's theater for fluency and expression practice and finishing the Horrible Harry novel study that we started so many weeks ago. We will have to work on our re-reading and summarizing skills! :) As always, we also will continue to work on our phonics skills during reading class.
We are testing on our multiplication of double and triple digit numbers next week and will continue working on our division facts in Miss Stetka's math class. A tip for those whose students are struggling with division... I tell the students at the top of their division tests to write the numbers from 1-12 ex: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12. Then I tell them to draw a line above each one as if to make it a denominator in a fraction. Then above the lines of each (as if it were the numerator...) they can count by whatever number division test they are doing. ex: if it's a division by 6s test, the number they write above one is a 6, above two is a 12, above 3 is an 18, etc. This seems to help them on the tests or at least for studying! Best of luck and thanks for helping them at home.
This week's prompt: The world would be ok without the color ______ because... or the reverse: The world could never afford to lose the color ______ because... Try to elaborate and add exciting details to your response. Make it into a paragraph and think of 6 sentences to support your topic sentence. You could even make this into a creative story!
Tune in next Friday for more Forsman Fun!