What's in the Forsman Future?
Spring Break! I wish all of you and your families a safe and FUN week together. May it be filled with lots of learning and special experiences.
Please also know that due to ISATS schedule irregularities, there have not been a lot of assignments, etc. taken for grades. After Spring Break, this will pick up and you will start to see more grades in the gradebook on Parent Connect. :)
We will get back to our normal spelling routine now until the end of the school year. We will pretest List#18 on Monday and there will be a homework packet due Friday. We will have our final test on Friday as well.
Please continue working on the genre book reports as well as those March reading calendars. I will have the students turn them in on the day they return (April 2nd). I am also sending home over break a poem for the students to practice reading (this can count towards the 20 minutes). This is not homework... if they do not get the chance to work on it, that is ok. We will have time after break to work on it. They are practicing for a performance at Open House! They will perform their poem for our Poetry Cafe! They each chose this poem... on the back are guidelines on how to be the best speaker they can be. That leads us into our study of poetry after break. Each week, I will assign a poem for the students to practice reading and rereading. On Friday we have poetry cafe in class and practice our oral reading/public speaking/listening skills. I will assess their abilities with the rubric on the back of the poem. In addition to studying poetry, we will continue our novel study of Horrible Harry Takes the Cake and our animal research projects - but that is all here in school. We are busy readers!
Our class will continue to work on fractions and division when we get back from spring break. Please encourage practice of math facts over break so that they stay fresh in your student's mind upon return. Thinking of multiplication and division fact families is really helpful. There are also lots of fun websites and games to continue fact practice.
This week's prompt: Describe a perfect spring break vacation. Try to elaborate and add exciting details to your response. Make it into a paragraph and think of 6 sentences to support your topic sentence. You could even make this into a creative story!
Tune in next Friday for more Forsman Fun!