Happy Reading!

It was such a wonderful experience for both the students and myself to have Mr. Poole a part of our classroom.  I am however very excited to be teaching the lessons and groups full time once again!  I missed those experiences so much.  Though of course I was always around and planning lessons/activities, etc. the act of facilitating classroom learning is so rewarding and I am honored to be at the helm once again.  The students are thrilled that we are on the "home stretch" so to speak with summer right within reach.

Keeping that in mind, I thought I would share with you the list of recommended books for summer reading put out by our school librarian Mrs. Csorba.

Here is the note she sent out:
The IMC would like to recommend the nominees for the Rebecca Caudill Award and Bluestem Award for 2014 for summer reading. I've attached the links for both lists. We have all these books in the IMC if you students would like to check any out before the end of the year too!

The Rebecca Caudill Nominee List: http://www.rcyrba.org/pdf/2014%20MasterList.pdf

The Bluestem Nominee List:  http://www.islma.org/grantWinners/bluestem14List.pdf