
What does "study" mean?

Students love to see the word "study" written in their assignment notebooks - that means no homework, right?  That couldn't be farther from the truth.  There is only so much time in school and that time is filled with rich opportunities to engage in instruction, work with hands-on materials, and apply their knowledge to writing and/or real-world problems.  What we don't spend much time on is rote memorization of concepts, vocabulary, or math facts.  We have spent time in class teaching students how to study and hope that they then go home and do so.  However, it seems that students are coming to school saying "I didn't study" or not feeling confident in their knowledge.  

With that said, this doesn't apply to all students.  There are some who are working really hard at home and for many reasons the material and tests will still be difficult.  I am speaking more to those students who admit - "I didn't study at all!".  I appreciate all the time you as parents take with your students to help them learn good study habits.  (It can be just five minutes a day!)  I know after school activities and family life can get a bit hectic.  I am now a "stage mom" as my daughter has acting twice a week plus dance! :)

Any help is great help when it comes to studying and hopefully the students will take this to heart.  They can play "school", do learning apps, go on the computer, play games, or just quiz you!  By doing so they are engaging with the material and more might be retained than if the students didn't interact with it at all.  Thanks again! :)