What's in the Forsman Future?

Progress Reports will be coming home shortly... these are VERY general.  Let me take a moment to explain what you will see.  I will be indicating for each IEP goal that my team works on whether your student is making progress or not and if I think that goal will be met by their NEXT annual review meeting.  Several of these goals for some of your students are brand new.  It is always our hope that they will be met or changed by the next IEP meeting so I will indicate yes.  The goal sheets that are sent home with the final report cards will have some comments on them indicating why the student may be making progress or not.  Please do not worry about these reports too much.  If there is/was a major concern, chances are we have spoken or are working on those concerns as a team.  :)

We finished our Egypt spelling list this week and boy was it a tough one!  I will be giving the students the option next week in lieu of a spelling list to take the test again next Friday.  We will continue to work on our phonics skills during our spelling time in addition to this opportunity.  Unfortunately, some of the scores on this most recent test brought the students' grades down a bit.  I realize that this list was significantly more difficult than others which is why there was only 10 words.  Please discuss with your student and have them let me know if they will be taking the test again next Friday.

We have another poem to read for fluency this Friday.  The students have come to enjoy reading these and hopefully they are practicing well at home.  I would like to see them add expression to their readings now that they are getting used to reading the words and reading smoothly.  We are also moving along with our non-fiction studies.  We are learning about Ancient Egypt as well as moving through the Science curriculum. The students are keeping a science field journal and noting all of the interesting things they are learning or want to remember.  They have also been making fun projects during our study of Ancient Egypt.  We may have some budding scientists or archaeologists in our midst!

We are continuing to work hard on division, but I wanted to alert you all to the fact that Miss Stetka has some math games on her blog for the kids to explore.  Also, we took the time to share with the students their most recent MAPs score for math and show them where on the Prairieview website there are many math computer games at their level.  Ask your student if they could show you how to get there at home.  If you have questions, please let us know and we can help you access this great resource for the summer (and everyday).

This week's prompt:  To be the best student I can be, I will strive to...  Try to elaborate and add exciting details to your response. Make it into a paragraph and think of 6 sentences to support your topic sentence. You could even make this into a creative story!

Tune in next Friday for more Forsman Fun!