Lunch with a Friend!
On a light note this week, many of my students are earning lunches with a friend. It is a wonderful time for students to get a break from the lunchroom and enjoy time with a buddy while watching a movie of their choice. I try to stick with G movies or VERY tame PG movies, but my selection is not very large and the students aren't always interested in what I have to offer. Therefore, I have started telling the students that they may start to bring in movies from home that they may be particularly interested in. This has been working out really well. Please help me by assisting the students in selecting G or tame PG movies to show in school as they are watching with a peer. The kids have been having lots of fun sharing their favorite movies with a schoolmate and they are being rewarded in this way for their superb academic classroom behavior! Let's help the students keep up the great work and motivation to do well. Just so the families are aware... we do ticket turn in every Friday and if the students earn lunch with a friend (50 tickets) I schedule it with them for the following week. Hopefully they write their date in their assignment notebook so they remember to bring in a movie. If I schedule a lunch with a friend party (2 students or more and their friends) we vote on any movies they may have brought in and there is a chance your students' movie will not "win". It is a good lesson in flexibility and usually if handled well, I will giving the losing movie bringer a bonus ticket towards next time. :)