What's in the Forsman Future?
I want to thank all of the parents who came out to our curriculum night last night and I know Miss Conley will be excited to meet those of you coming to her night on Tuesday. It really means a lot to us that you support us as your students' teachers and support your child's education. THANKS!
We are pretesting with List #2 on Tuesday of next week since we are not in session on Monday. Please remember that if your student receives a 90% or higher they will be working from the "challenge" list of words for their homework. All homework is due on Friday and if your student is taking the posttest, that will be Friday as well.
The third grade starts off our reading curriculum by teaching the students to use various reading strategies. We model the use of these strategies while reading high interest picture books to the class. We then will spend the year extending the use of these strategies while reading a variety of literary materials to aid in comprehension. This coming week, we will learn about predicting, inferring, and visualizing.
We have started our Math curriculum with Chapter 3 - Addition. Next week we will discuss rounding/estimating, adding 2 digit numbers, 3 digit addition, and adding big numbers. Unless we decide to spend a bit more time on one of these lessons, our perspective test date for Chapter 1 will be 9/14. Be sure to look for the study packet of reteach pages to review with your student as we go and/or as a guide before the test. In addition to our chapter lessons, we will also continue working on our problems of the day (see if your student can remember the number sentence - including the answer.. when they come home each day), mad minutes (after refreshing ourselves with touchmath), and daily minute skill reviews.
We will continue working on Chapter 1 in our English textbook next week. We have already discussed what a sentence needs (capital, end mark, who/what...noun, what happened..., verb) to be a sentence and the types of sentences (command, exclamation, statement, question). Next week we will focus on subjects and predicates as well as run-on sentences. In English class we may periodically take in class graded reviews, but we will always study/review in class right beforehand so please do not be overwhelmed by these. They are a great way to show if the students are understanding small chunks of material before the end chapter test.
Tune in next Friday for more Forsman Fun!